All ages, no registration, while supplies last. During the winter months, we will offer a Wednesday craft kit in addition to the Saturday craft kit. Limit of 3 per family. Please only take what you need for your immediate family.
For newborn - 12 months AND an adult. A special Mother Goose time for the littlest ones. We'll sing, say and play along with Mother Goose rhymes.
Enjoy this ancient game with fellow enthusiasts.
*No registration. Not an instructional class. Please sign attendance sheet.*
Play a game or two of this multi-deck card game.
*No registration. Not an instructional class. Please sign attendance sheet.*
Spring is around the corner and our seed library will be coming soon. Help us prepare by making seed packets. Volunteer credit will be provided to all who participate.
For 1st-5th. No registration, drop in between 3:00 pm - 4:30. While the kids are off from school, they can create a work of art with scratch paper!
Join the Suffolk County Police department for a presentation about internet, phone and mail scams. This presentation will also go into ways of keeping your home safe and safety in parking lots.